I chose this final colour scheme, because it looks the most natural out of all. The colours are striking but not distracting and i liked the fact that each character has their own set of colours to represent themselves. The colour that i chose for my SEASON'S GREETINGS is a shade of red, which complements the background. Also, i thought that since the card will be circulated from the christmas to new year season, red seems to be a good colour choice as it suits the Chinese New Year theme.
From the feedback session in class, i received quite a few suggestions to improve with my design. Firstly, i changed the font of my SEASON'S GREETINGS to something without cracks, so that it will look more complete and suitable for the festive season.
I also edited my background so that it will fit the theme of christmas/new year better. The background consists of small little snowflake icons in the shade of red, pink and blue. The blue represents the snowy element of christmas, while the red and pink was added so that the card can be circulated and used even until the CNY period without looking out of place. Also, the icons of the snowflakes looked very much like the paper cutting art pieces that can be see in during CNY. Thus, making it a card relevant to both the christmas and CNY period!
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